Biography: Junwoo Choi
In recent years, the risk from space debris, which includes spent rocket stages, old satellites and fragments from disintegration, erosion and collisions, have been highlightedas the number of satellites on the operation orbit increases extremely. To solve the riskdue to space debris, drag sailshave been proposed to make retired satellites re-enter the atmosphere after mission lifetime being over. In this article, an origami-inspired drag sail is invented to realize ultralightsail with low stowed volume. To enable the drag-sail to deploy from low stowed volumeto the maximum area,an iso-area flasher and spinner flasher origami methods were employed.Then, we analyzedeploymentarea per unit volume according to the origami technique. For 3m x 3m sail, consequently, it can be designed to have deployment ratio of 89.8 from 1U volume. In order to confirm design idea, an origami-inspired drag sail is fabricatedby attaching tape spring to the valley of origami. Finally, deployment experiment is carried out to check interferences between boom(tape spring) and sailduring deployment. Conclusively, the tape springas a substitute of traditional motor based CFRP boomsuccessfully deploys the proposed origami-inspired drag sail.