Dean VuÄinić
Professor, Senior Research Scientist
Vesalius College,Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Prof. Dr. Ir. Dean VuÄinić, has joined Vesalius College (VeCo), which is affiliated to the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), as senior scientist and advisor in 2017. He has been affiliated to VUB since 1988. Before joining VeCo, he was guest professor and senior research scientist at the VUB Faculty of Engineering Sciences (IR) as member of two of its departments: Mechanical Engineering (MECH) and Electronics & Informatics (ETRO). He is part-time associate professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology (FERIT), University of Osijek, holding the chair of Visual Computing.His Ph.D. thesis became a book in 2010, ISBN 978-3-8383-3500-1. In the early 90's he developed "CFView - Computational Field Visualization System", the first-time-ever interactive visualization software adapted to numerical simulation solvers, completely based on the object-oriented technology, and fully implemented in C++. It has to be noted that VUB spin-off NUMECA is still using his software after more than 20 years, and in addition, more than 20 VUB PhD-s applied CFView in their visualization and data analysis tasks. During almost 30 years at VUB, he successfully participated in more than 20 European projects under the European Frameworks, EUREKA/ITEA and Tempus educational programs. He is author of more than 50 scientific papers in international reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and in addition, author of several book chapters. He is member of International Advisory Boards and Scientific Committees of Journals and Conferences, acting as chair, session organizer, reviewer and editor of respective papers proceedings. Due to his international presence, he is promoting and encouraging international cooperation in research and development, and education, just mentioning some of the realized initiatives with USA, Canada, Russia, Brazil, India and Japan, among others. He is the European Commission expert in H2020 and member of international organizations as follows: AIAA, IEEE,ACM,SAE&ASME.
Research Interest
His work is mostly related to Research and Development (R&D) projects, and his interest covers the topics of Scientific Visualization, Modelling and Simulation, Optimization methodologies and techniques, which are very often found together in solving complex problems within the multidisciplinary engineering and computer science domains.