Eduardo B. Farfan
Kennesaw State University
Eduardo B. Farfán, a professor of Nuclear Engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been at Kennesaw State University since 2014. He was born in La Paz Bolivia and completed his undergraduate studies in Nuclear Physics at the Belorussian State University in Minsk, Belarus. He then obtained a second B.S. in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL. Farfán earned a Masters of Engineering and Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering Sciences at the University of Florida. As a graduate student, Farfán received a U.S. Department-of-Energy Applied Health Physics Fellowship from the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education and U.S. Department-of-Energy Nuclear Engineering and Health Physics Fellowship from the Office of Nuclear Energy, Science, and Technology to complete his ME and Ph.D., respectively. His experience includes fifteen years of experience in Nuclear Engineering and Health Physics fields involving radiation protection, internal/external/environmental dosimetry and radiation detector/radiation mapping prototype development with increasing responsibilities of program development, technical complexity, project management, and leadership. Farfán has actively participated in radiation safety programs and their field implementation. He has developed procedures to determine suitable engineered radiological controls and dose exposure reduction methods. Some of the tools used for this purpose include mapping technologies, photon/gamma ray shielding and dose assessment programs, Monte Carlo/deterministic simulations, and analyses of radiological survey data. In addition, Farfán has developed and taught undergraduate and graduate health physics/nuclear engineering/mechanical engineering courses, provided health physics training, and mentored less experience personnel and several interns. He worked as an Assistant Professor for the Nuclear Engineering Program at South Carolina State University and the Department of Physics at Idaho State University. Farfán also worked as a Principal Engineer for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Savannah River National Laboratory. He is fluent in Spanish and Russian. His knowledge of the Russian culture has helped him tremendously with several projects involving radiological risk assessments of the Chernobyl Accident. Farfán has a large number of publications and has presented his work extensively at meetings of scientific societies. He has a few US patents. Farfán has had several positions in professional societies including Chair of the American Nuclear Society’s Decommissioning and Environmental Sciences Division and President of the Savannah River Site Chapter of the Health Physics Society.
Research Interest
Small Modular Reactors, New Nuclear Fuels, Nuclear Fuel Heat Transfer and Vacancy formation, Environmental/Internal/External Dosimetry, Monte Carlo Simulations, Radiation Detection and Mapping.