Abdullah Altin
Yuzuncu Yıl University, Turkey
Abdullah Altin is an Assoc., Professor Doctor in Van Vocational of Higher School, Mechanical and Metal Technology Department, at Van Yuzuncu Yıl University in Turkey. His field of study is Manufacturing and Construction and has been working on CAD/CAM (computer aid design/computer aid manufacture), solid edge, master cam and production technics. He has been in Germany Zittau- Gorlitz University Mechanical Engineering department for research and access to training in CAD/CAM by Erasmus Project. And he has also been invitated for teaching Staff Mobility by Erasmus program to France, Nancy University of Lorraine and France-University of Belfort, Mechanical Engineering Department in May 2013 and in May 2016. Since 1996 he has working at Yuzuncu Yıl University as a Lecturer and then as an Assoc. Professor Doctor. Presently he is the Head of Department.
Abstract : The machining of Haynes 188 nickel based aero space material with ceramic cutting tool