Karam Y Maalawi
National Research Centre, Egypt
Karam Y Maalawi born in Cairo, Egypt on January 12, 1952. He was educated at the Faculty of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering Department, Cairo University. He is now Professor Emeritus of Aeronautics and Mechanics at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Research Centre in Cairo, Egypt. He has been active in research in structural and solid mechanics and has involved in numerous research projects related to wind energy applications. His primary research interest is in computer based analysis and design of metal and composite structures. He has been recognized for his contributions in training programs conducted by the National Research Centre in the fi elds of composite materials, optimum design and wind energy technology development. He has published extensively in the fi eld of structural optimization and wind turbine design and performance. In 2006, he was a visitor at the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia Tech, doing research work in the fi eld of aeroelastic optimization of aircraft wings. His current research is concerned with the optimal design of functionally graded material beams, aircraft wings and wind turbine blades. At present, he is involved in research projects related to Renewable Energy Industrialization for Egypt’s Sustainable Development.
Abstract : Modeling and applications of FGMs in aerospace structures