Seyed Ehsan Hosseini
Arkansas Tech University, USA
Seyed Ehsan Hosseini is an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department, Arkansas Tech University (ATU) since August 2017. He established a combustion lab named “Combustion and Sustainable Energy Laboratory” (ComSEL) at ATU working on several Combustion and Energy-based projects. Fifteen graduate and undergraduate students are working in various areas of energy and thermofl uids (such as alternative fuels, auto-ignition fl ameless combustion, vortex combustion, mesoscale combustion, phase change material in refrigeration and electrical systems) in ComSEL. His proposal entitled “Meso-scale Vortex Combustion with Thermal Recuperation” was funded by NASA RID on January 2018. Moreover, he has taught Advanced Heat transfer (graduate level), Applied Combustion (both graduate and undergraduate), Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Senior Design. Before joining ATU, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher Fellow at Combustion and Solar Energy Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, San Diego State University (SDSU) working on a project funded by Department of Energy (DOE).
Abstract : Experimental investigation of a lab-scaled flameless combustion system with thermal recuperation