Day :
- Mechanical Engineering and Management | Space Engineering | Aerodynamics | Material Processing | Mechanics, Dynamics and Controls

Vishwas N Bedekar
Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Session Introduction
Judi Brown Clarke
Michigan State University, USA
Title: Global diversity and inclusion practices are key to the advancement of mechanical and aerospace engineering
Time : 15:00-15:20

Judi Brown Clarke is the Diversity Director for the BEACON Center. Her responsibilities include the facilitation of an overarching vision, strategic goals development, evaluation of policies and practices and oversight of initiatives across the fi ve-school consortium for consistency of effective practices and impacts. She is a member of the International Advisory Committee for the Joint Institute of Nuclear Astrophysics’ Center for the Evolution of the Elements; the Director's Research Scholars Program at MSU's National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory; Nevada’s EPSCoR Grant for the study of solar, wind and water power; and the Alfred P Sloan Foundation for minorities in engineering program at MSU.
The modern world is fast-paced and dynamic; it can only be negotiated eff ectively through the use of evolving technologies and creating innovative practices. Higher education globally is developing technological innovations that are tremendous catalysts of change. Th is means more high-performing engineering students, and/or future employees, are ready to tackle the wicked problems of today and tomorrow. As competition for the best talent becomes more intense, organizations are becoming more aggressive and employing innovative practices to attract the best candidates. Additionally, as demographics shift , organizations are increasingly focused on recruiting top diverse talent. As diversity and inclusion (D&I) become an increasingly important part of an organization’s overall business strategy, it is imperative to establish the structures that define the mission and vision, set the strategy, determine implementation tactics, measure, track and communicate progress and ensure accountability. Eff ective D&I eff orts can help in establishing the prestige and recognition of an organization and as a result, assist in its attractiveness as a school or employer of choice. Community outreach and global partnerships involve relationships that are developed with targeted organizations to leverage their unique combination of resources, knowledge and established the presence within diverse communities. Th ese relationships foster a culture of inclusion and help to build and sustain a strong pipeline of talent. In summary, the advancement of mechanical and aerospace engineering is directly related to its ability to eff ectively recruit and retain a diverse pool of high-performing talent.
Robert Kielb
Duke University, USA
Title: Forced response study of an embedded compressor rotor
Time : 15:40-16:00

Robert Kielb specializes in Turbomachinery Aeroelasticity and has over 45 years of academic, industrial and government research laboratory experience in
Turbomachinery for power and propulsion. Currently, he is an Associate Professor of the practice in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Duke University. He is a fellow of the ASME and was a Chair of the Board of Directors of the International Gas Turbine Institute, Chair of the ASME Structures and Dynamics Committee and Associate Editor of both the Journal of Turbomachinery and Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. He received his PhD from Ohio State University in 1981.
If not designed properly, the blade and vanes of rotating machines, such as turbines, are susceptible to high cycle fatigue failure due to high vibratory response. Th e well-known Campbell diagram is used to help maintain a separation between excitation and natural frequencies. However, the plethora of excitation and natural frequencies can make avoiding resonances diffi cult, or practically impossible. In these cases, forced response design analyses can be used to predict the resonant response.Th is has been done for over 20 years, but the accuracy and probabilistic nature of the problem still have many unanswered questions. Th ere are unknowns in the forcing function, damping and mistuned response. Th is is especially the case for the blades and vanes of embedded compressor stages. Th is paper summarizes the results of an exhaustive computational and experimental study of compressor blade resonant response. Th e focus is on the rotor forced response in a 3.5 stage compressor
rig at Purdue University. Th e infl uence of refl ecting boundary conditions on the blade modal force is studied. Th e computational aerodynamic and hysteretic damping are compared with measured values and the mistuned response with multiple models are compared with measurements.
Sunil ChandraKant Joshi
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Title: Enhanced processing and hybridization of silica aerogel composites
Time : 16:00-16:20

Sunil ChandraKant Joshi is a faculty in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of Nanyang Technological University Singapore. He received his PhD from Monash University, Australia, for his work on composites manufacturing processes. His research includes aerospace composites and structures, multifunctional composites, numerical simulation composites manufacturing processes, autoclave molding, fi lament winding, microwave curing, braided composites, environmental effects and engineered composites. The silica aerogel composite technology, mentioned in this talk, has resulted in a US patent (No. 9, 764, 301,19th Sep, 2017) and been licensed to a company for thermal and acoustic insulation market. He has successfully supervised over 150 project students (including 8 PhDs) and has about 200 publications and reports to his credit.
Silica aerogels are synthetically-produced, ultra-light-weight, insulating materials. Th ese are available in, either granular or wrapped-in blanket forms. In these forms, however, the material is either fragile or sheds dust particles during handling and site use. Another novel form, recently developed, is a composite of the silica aerogel granules bound together using a non-toxic,
non-hazardous, water-soluble binding agent. Th ese composites are equally light-weight, good heat insulators, sound reducers and water-resistant. Th is paper presents our study on these eco-friendly silica aerogel composites carried out to enhance their processing, manufacturability, dimensional accuracy and mechanical performance. Appropriate close mold designs were conceptualized and built to avoid out-of-plane deformations or warping of the composite blocks during the fabrication process. Th e samples produced using these new molds are perfectly fl at. Th is is a step forward such that any conforming shape now can be produced. In addition, the new mold design is compact and facilitates simultaneous fabrication of more samples. Th e silica aerogel composites are generally rigid. Investigations were conducted using specifi c fi llers and reinforcement to enhance the fl exibility of these composites. Solid and liquid additives, namely fumed silica, carbon nanotubes and methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS) were tried. Th eir eff ects were studied using 3-point bending and cyclic compression tests. Additionally, a physical reinforcement in the form of the woven thermoplastic mesh and the glass woven fabric was studied. Th e impact of these was examined using the standard mechanical properties tests. It was observed that fumed silica helped enhance compression behavior while the glass fi ber reinforcement provided better fl exibility. Th e mechanical performance was found enhanced by two-fold. Th e proposed talk will touch upon the concept developments, mold design, reinforcing procedures, test results and accomplishments and the underlying reasons.
Mykola Nickolay Zosimovych
Shantou University, China
Title: SmallSats rational design
Time : 16:20-16:40

Mykola Nickolay Zosimovych has completed his Bachelor’s, MS and PhD at the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russian
Federation. He is working as the Professor at the Mechatronic Engineering Department of Shantou University (China). He has published more than 115 papers in reputed journals and 5 books.
The SmallSat design process is comprised of choice of its trajectory, determination of its components and main parameters of its systems, development of external and internal layouts, determination of the number of satellite-born antennas and their main characteristics. Th is paper will focus on estimating a concept and physical relationships in the design process and on the rational design algorithm version.
Vishwas N Bedekar
Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Title: Design and development of nanoscale materials for sensing and energy harvesting applications
Time : 16:40-17:00

Vishwas N Bedekar received his PhD degree from the University of Texas at Arlington. He has several years of experience in synthesis and characterization of piezoelectric and magnetoelectric materials. He has also worked on carbon-based nanomaterials and design and development of energy harvesting devices
and systems. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology at Middle Tennessee State University. He has authored over 30 publications in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings and conference presentations. He has authored 2 book chapters and is the reviewer on 10 internationally circulated journals related to materials science research.
Advances in wireless sensors technology have enabled high-effi ciency low power sensors that can be remotely controlled for better prognosis of structural health. In order to signifi cantly reduce power consumption, the bottom-up approach is required to build the sensors and harvesters. Nanoscale carbon-based materials were used as substrates to build piezoelectric and magnetoelectric multifunctional materials and devices. In this study, we present their synthesis techniques, its challenges as well as proposed solutions. Microstructural characterization was performed using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and energy dispersive
spectrum analysis. We will give an overview of various material candidates, their advances as well as synthesis techniques and material properties along with proposed device structures.
Seyed Ehsan Hosseini
Arkansas Tech University, USA
Title: Experimental investigation of a lab-scaled flameless combustion system with thermal recuperation
Time : 17:00-17:20

Seyed Ehsan Hosseini is an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department, Arkansas Tech University (ATU) since August 2017. He established a combustion lab named “Combustion and Sustainable Energy Laboratory” (ComSEL) at ATU working on several Combustion and Energy-based projects. Fifteen graduate and undergraduate students are working in various areas of energy and thermofl uids (such as alternative fuels, auto-ignition fl ameless combustion, vortex combustion, mesoscale combustion, phase change material in refrigeration and electrical systems) in ComSEL. His proposal entitled “Meso-scale Vortex Combustion with Thermal Recuperation” was funded by NASA RID on January 2018. Moreover, he has taught Advanced Heat transfer (graduate level), Applied Combustion (both graduate and undergraduate), Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Senior Design. Before joining ATU, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher Fellow at Combustion and Solar Energy Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, San Diego State University (SDSU) working on a project funded by Department of Energy (DOE).
Depletion of fossil fuel resources and increasing rates of pollutant formation have motivated the combustion community to work on combustion effi ciency improvement. Recently, fl ameless combustion systems have been widely developed due to extremely low pollutant formation and fuel consumption reduction in fl ameless mode. In the flameless regime, the combustion air is highly preheated without increasing the rate of pollutant formation, in particular, NOx emissions. Th e non-premixed air/fuel is injected into the combustor at high velocities; hence, the availability of oxygen in the reaction zone reduces. In fact, the reaction zone is dispersed throughout the furnace, the hot spots are eliminated and uniform temperature is observed in the chamber. Investigation of combustion stability is still the most important issue in fl ameless combustion systems. In this regard, the objective of this study is to experimentally investigate the eff ects of a recuperation system on the stability of a labscaled fl ameless combustion system and the rates of pollutant formation. In this design, fuel is injected axially from one end of the cylindrical-shaped combustion chamber and the air is introduced coaxially from the same side while the fl ue gases are exhausted from the other end of the chamber. To maintain inside temperature of the chamber over auto-ignition temperature of the fuel, a helical pipe is installed inside the chamber to transfer the fresh air from exhaust zone to burner zone and preheat the combustion air (recuperator). Temperature distribution inside the chamber, wall temperature and the temperature uniformity (considered as one of the most important parameters in fl ameless mode) are measured. Various radicals inside the chamber are measured to analyze pollutant formation and stability of fl ameless combustion.
Matthew A Cooper
Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
Title: Nonlinear extended least squares adaptive feedforward control of a disturbed satellite across multiple maneuvers
Time : 17:20-17:40
Matthew A Cooper has completed a MS in Electrical Engineering and a MS in Aeronautical Engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology, USA, and his MBA from the University of South Dakota, USA. He is a Deputy Program Manager for the Air Force Research Laboratory–Directed Energy Directorate, a premier research organization. His research focus areas are centered on non-linear feedforwad control, optical beam steering, and disturbance rejection techniques.
Two adaptive approaches for a non-linear feedforward controller are combined with and sinusoidal trajectory planners in a spacecraft attitude control system. Physics-based feed-forward control, trajectory generation, observers, feedback control, and system stability are discussed in relation to the nonlinear dynamics under simulation. Th e adaptive feedforward controllers compared include a Recursive Least Square (RLS) method and an Extended Least Squares (ELS) method. A large slew maneuver, a target tracking maneuver, and zig-zag maneuvers are performed and analyzed. Using the RLS method as a baseline, potential improvements gained by incorporating an ELS method are illustrated.
- Mechanical Engineering and Management | Space Engineering | Aerodynamics | Material Processing | Mechanics, Dynamics and Controls

Dean Vucinic
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Session Introduction
Essam E Khalil
Cairo University, Egypt
Title: Newly proposed multi stream turbofan engine with built in regenerative heat exchanger
Time : 14:30-14:50

Essam Eldin Khalil did BSc (1971) with honors and MSc (1973) Mechanical Engineering, Cairo University and PhD (1977) from Imperial College of Science and Technology, London University, UK. Currently, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Cairo University since June 1988. Over 45 years of experience in Design and simulation of combustion chambers and furnaces for terrestrial and aerospace application. Had published over 728 articles, conference papers and journal papers on the subjects of Combustion Chamber Design, energy and indoor air quality within AIAA conferences, ASME and ASHRAE publications. Such activities were also disseminated through more than 190 presentations worldwide and 60 articles. Developed advances courses in air conditioning, heat transfer, gas turbine combustors and terrestrial energy-related areas and ABET program evaluator.
Present cores of modern turbofan engines faces some problems, such as, very expensive components, high maintenance costs, Its blades are exposed to erosion or corrosion due to the very high TIT or debris. Its blades can easily be heavily damaged by any bird strike, also these cores are exposed to any air disturbances or diff erences in air mass fl ow rate due to changes in fl ight levels and also excessively high fuel consumption rates. Because air enters from the atmosphere through the intake, compressed is combusted inside the combustion chamber, then combustion products get out from the nozzle aft er
expanding into the turbines. So anything can easily enter inside the core to destroy or at least aff ect the core components effi ciency such as (dust, sand, ice, rain or birds). So these cores must contain compressor and turbine blades made of very expensive materials to be able to resist erosion, corrosion, debris and high temperature, but at the end, it becomes less and less effi cient with use. Also, these cores can be more fuel economy whenever bypass ratio is bigger. Multi-stream turbofan engine has resolved all these problems using closed core system (which mean that no air inters in engine core and no air out
from engines core). Th is engine looks like the present modern turbofan engines structure in everything except air stream inside the core, combustion chamber position and the two built-in heat exchangers. Built-in heat exchangers have no previous applications in aero engines, but multi-stream turbofan engine is designed with two built-in heat exchangers. One for heating
Core air before entering into turbines and the other one is to cool Core air down before entering into the compressor. That will led to raise compressor’s and turbine’s effi ciency and will reduce fuel consumption rates. Th is system (closed Core System) will solve erosion and corrosion and there will be no need for turbine blades made of very special and costly materials to withstand
all conventional engine problems. It will be safer from bird strikes, any air disturbance will have no signifi cant eff ect on core performance due to the closed independent core and especially at very high bypass ratio up to 40:1 that will help to achieve lower rate of fuel consumption than the conventional engines. Multi-stream turbofan engine has achieved static thrust up to 340KN, bypass ratio up to 40:1 and can save up to 70% from takeoff and trip fuel.
Daniel P Schrage
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Title: Functional Safety Management (FSM) for complex engineered systems
Time : 14:50-15:10

Daniel P Schrage has been a Professor in the School of AE, Georgia Tech since 1984; Director of the Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence (VLRCOE) since 1986 and Director of the Integrated Product Lifecycle Engineering (IPLE) laboratory since 2007. Prior to Georgia Tech, he was an Engineer, Manager and Senior Executive with the Army Aviation Research, Development and Engineering Command in St Louis, MO from 1974 to 1984. Prior to that, he was an Army Active Duty Nuclear Missile Commander and an Army Aviator with combat experience in South Vietnam and Cambodia. He is recognized worldwide as an airworthiness and aircraft safety expert with over 200 technical papers and book chapters. He has the following degrees: BS Engineering, USMA, 1967; MS-AE, Georgia Tech, 1967; MA Bus Admin, Webster U, 1975; DSc ME, Washington U, 1978.
The Functional Safety Management (FSM) discipline ensures that soft ware, hardware and electronic systems tasked with protecting life and property reliably perform their missions. International standards such as ARP4754A, ARP4761, IEC 61508, EN50126/8/9, MoD 00-56, DoD 882D and DO-178B/C, DO-254 and DO-297 provide a set of development lifecycle activities for achieving this by identifying hazardous situations that could occur, evaluating the risk that a hazard could cause an accident and reducing that risk by building high integrity safety functions and operational procedures into safetyrelated
systems. For the past 20 years, I have been teaching a project driven graduate course, Safety By Design (SBD) and Flight Certifi cation (FC) using FSM methods. In the 2018 Georgia Tech Spring Semester SBD and FC Course four complex engineered systems projects were conducted: A stopped rotor Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), a commercial transport aircraft Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) upgrade, an uber elevate air taxi safety and certifi cation study and a safety assessment for launching the Yellow Jacket Space Program Sounding Rocket, used in this presentation to demonstrate how the FSM discipline can be implemented. Th e Yellow Jacket Space Program (YJSP) is a student-led organization founded in 2015 and organized as a Georgia Tech club in 2016. Th e program objectives are to provide students with real-world experience in rockets and rocket propulsion and provide a platform for outreach to students of all academic levels in the State of Georgia. YJSP is achieving these objectives by developing a sounding rocket that will take a scientifi c payload into space and return it safely to the ground.
Luiz Antonio Negro Martin Lopez
Mauá Institute of Technology, Brazil
Title: Eddy current signal processing applied to aircraft fuel tubes maintenance
Time : 15:10-15:30

Luiz Antonio Negro Martin Lopez is a PhD, mechanical engineer, airplane pilot and helicopter fl ight instructor. His PhD thesis was about artifi cial intelligence
and Wavelet Transform applied to Eddy current signals generated by tubes inspection during maintenance works. Over the years he joined his two professional passions, engineering and fl ying, focusing safety improvements in aircraft. He has shared his knowledge with engineering and aviation students in several educational institutions in addition to his work at engineering companies.
Large aircraft have a hundred meters long of fuel tubes that must be inspected during maintenance work services. Th e layout of those tubes is noticeable complex and the access for inspection is frequently very diffi cult. Eddy current non-destructive testing is one of the most important inspection methods and widely used to inspect the tubes by inserting inspection probes. Eddy current signals generated during the maintenance inspection work, in general, contain noise, which hinders the signal analysis and reduces the reliability of the inspection conclusion. Namely one of the noises present in the signals is the probe wobble eff ect, which is caused by the necessary slack between the probe and the fuel tube. In this work, Wavelet Transforms (WT) are used for de-noising the probe wobble Eddy current signals. WT provides defect localization across the tube length making it better than other analysis methods such as the Fourier Transform. However, WT involves wavelet and coeffi cients selection in the user level of analysis. Th is work presents probe wobble signal de-noising examples with several wavelet and coeffi cients applied to Eddy current signals generated by a Zetec MIZ-17ET equipment on an inspection of a 19.05mm diameter stainless steel fuel tube with known artifi cial defects. Th e probe wobble signal de-noising off ers reliable results and is
a promising method as it allows a fast removal of Eddy current noise maintaining the essential signal information.
Abed Malti
University of Tlemcen, Algeria
Title: Bio-mechanics in virtual and mixed reality for computer assisted surgery
Time : 15:50-16:10

Abed Malti received the MS degree in control systems and signal processing from the National Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine (Nancy, France) in 2002. He did his PhD thesis in the robotic team of LAAS-CNRS (Toulouse, France), where he worked in sensor landmark motion planning for mobile robots. He received his PhD degree in 2005 from the University of Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France). From 2006 to 2008, he followed up with MS degree studies in basic mathematics. From 2008 to 2015, he worked as Research Fellow in computer vision applied to medical assisted surgery. Since 2015, he is an Associate Professor at the University of Tlemcen, Algeria. The Algerian Ministry of Research is funding his project on the design of a surgical simulator based on virtual reality. He is also CSO and Head of Technology at octi stratup in Los Angeles, California, USA. The startup aims at developing augmented reality techniques for mobile platform.
The recent and continuous advance of visualization techniques in the computer vision era has brought many benefits to healthcare. Th ey are seen either as potential disruptive technologies in the surgical workplace or breakthroughs for
medical education and assistance. Mixed Reality (MR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are among those worldwide topics becoming democratized: High quality and impressively aff ordable. Th eir application into healthcare to improve the medical use of data is certain. Th eir potential usage may concern anatomy, intraoperative surgery, or post-operative rehabilitation. Th e need for realistic haptic and display gives additional interest to the biomechanical modeling of living tissues. The integration of MR/AR with numerical modelings, such as the fi nite element method, provides an objective and automated way for practitioners to analyze healthcare problems and fi nd effi cient solutions. Th is presentation aims to provide an overview of state-of-the-art and recent advances in the usage of biomechanics in MR/AR for computer assisted surgery.
Karam Y Maalawi
National Research Centre, Egypt
Title: Modeling and applications of FGMs in aerospace structures
Time : 16:10-16:30

Karam Y Maalawi born in Cairo, Egypt on January 12, 1952. He was educated at the Faculty of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering Department, Cairo University. He is now Professor Emeritus of Aeronautics and Mechanics at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Research Centre in Cairo, Egypt. He has been active in research in structural and solid mechanics and has involved in numerous research projects related to wind energy applications. His primary research interest is in computer based analysis and design of metal and composite structures. He has been recognized for his contributions in training programs conducted by the National Research Centre in the fi elds of composite materials, optimum design and wind energy technology development. He has published extensively in the fi eld of structural optimization and wind turbine design and performance. In 2006, he was a visitor at the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia Tech, doing research work in the fi eld of aeroelastic optimization of aircraft wings. His current research is concerned with the optimal design of functionally graded material beams, aircraft wings and wind turbine blades. At present, he is involved in research projects related to Renewable Energy Industrialization for Egypt’s Sustainable Development.
Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) are the new generation of advanced composites that has gained interest in several engineering applications such as, spacecraft heat shields, high-performance structural elements and critical engine components. Th ey are formed of two or more constituent phases with a continuously variable composition producing properties that change spatially within a structure. FGM possess a number of advantages that make them attractive in improving structural performance, such as higher natural frequencies of composite beams and plates and broader stability boundaries of aircraft wings. Th is paper presents practical realistic models for improving performance and operational effi ciency of some types of composite aero-structural elements. Th e concept of material grading has been successfully applied by incorporating the distribution of the volume fractions of the composite material constituents in the mathematical model formulation. Various scenarios in modeling the spatial variation of the material properties of functionally graded structures are addressed. Case studies include optimization of thin-walled composite box sections, spinning beams against torsional buckling and whirling and aeroelastic optimization of trapezoidal wings against divergence. Design variables encompass the distribution of volume fraction, ply angle and wall thickness as well. Several design charts that are useful for direct determination of the optimal design variables are given. It is shown that by using material and thickness grading simultaneously, the aeroelastic stability
boundary can be broadened by more than 50% above that of a known baseline design having the same total structural mass. Th e wing panel length is proved to be the most signifi cant design variable in the whole optimization process. Th e attained optimal solutions using continuous grading depend entirely upon the prescribed power-law expression which represents an additional constraint on the optimization problem. Results show that material grading in the spanwise direction is much better than grading through the wall thickness of the cross section.
Yingjie Liu
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Title: New central and central DG-type methods on overlapping cells for solving MHD equations on triangular meshes
Time : 16:30-16:50

Yingjie Liu has his expertise in scientifi c computing and numerical PDE. He has conducted research in moving mesh Galerkin and mixed FEM for parabolic equations, conservative front tracking for contacts in gas dynamics, BFECC method for level set interface capturing, Navier-Stokes fl uid simulations, Hamilton-Jacobi equations etc, central schemes and central DG on overlapping cells for solving conservation laws, shallow water equations, MHD equations etc, and hierarchical reconstruction for eliminating spurious oscillations near shocks and other discontinuities.
This talk is based on a recently published paper joint with Zhiliang Xu (U. of Notre Dame). Th ey develop new central and central DG-type methods on overlapping cells for solving nonlinear MHD equations on triangular meshes. Th is method is fully conservative for the magnetic fi eld. New features are introduced to reduce the complexity: the fl uid quantities are only computed on the triangular mesh while the magnetic fi eld is also defi ned on the dual mesh. Th ese methods take advantage of the nice feature of central schemes to avoid dealing with Riemann problems at discontinuities of the electromagnetic fi eld.
Th ey can also take arbitrarily small time step sizes when necessary without introducing the O(1/dt) dissipation error.
Essam E Khalil
Cairo University, Egypt
Title: Numerical analysis for smoke spread in an aircraft hangar
Time : 16:50-17:10

Essam Eldin Khalil did BSc (1971) with honors and MSc (1973) Mechanical Engineering, Cairo University and PhD (1977) from Imperial College of Science and Technology, London University, UK. Currently Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Cairo University since June 1988. Over 45 years of experience in Design and simulation of combustion chambers and furnaces for terrestrial and aerospace application. Had published over 728 articles, conference papers and journal papers on the subjects of Combustion Chamber Design, energy and indoor air quality within AIAA conferences, ASME and ASHRAE publications. Such activities were also disseminated through more than 190 presentations worldwide and 60 articles. Developed advances courses in air conditioning, heat transfer, gas turbine combustors and terrestrial energy-related areas and ABET program evaluator.
Smoke is one of the most dangerous factors in an aircraft hangar in case of fi re. As it causes the reduction in visibility and fatality due to high temperature or toxicity also prevents applying evacuation plan for workers. Th is paper presents a numerical analysis for improving the traditional system of the ventilation system to manage smoke produced due to push-back vehicle on fi re at an aircraft hangar. Th rough studying the eff ect of changing extraction and supply fl ow rates, the number of extraction and supply fans, as well as the eff ects of extraction and supply fans arrangement on the visibility, temperature and air velocity at the human level to ensure not to exceed limits stated by NFPA to apply evacuation plan for workers. The present investigation is performed using fi re dynamic simulator to simulate 16 case studies in the hangar of airports in Brandenburg. Th e hangar has the outer dimensions of 83.40m width and 77.60m depth and thus an inner area of approx. 6,472m2. Th e hangar has a medium interior height of approximately 18.20m. Th e present results demonstrate that using extraction fans with rate (ACH) double the supply rate for the traditional ventilation system yields very good results in controlling the smoke behavior and spread. As well as, decreasing the number of supply fans will result in reduced smoke spread rate inside the hangar, which
would help to control the smoke spread of fi re in less time. Th e hangar has a medium interior height of approximately 18.10m. Th e hangar has one large wide aircraft (Airbus A330-300). Th e following are the main conclusions.
Wassila Issaadi
University of Bejaia, Algeria
Title: The optimized PV-UPFC hybrid network for power quality improvement load by an improved distribution algorithm: A best performances from combination of the proposed PV systems and unified power quality controllers
Time : 17:10-17:30
Wassila Issaadi is a Doctor of Sciences in Department of Automatics, Electronics, and Electrical Engineering, University of Bejaia, Algeria and received her Doctorate (PhD) degree in September 2016 at the age of 26 years. She obtained Magister degree in 2013 and the diploma of state engineer in 2011. Her current research interests include Robotics, Automatics, Adaptive and Robust control, Photovoltaic and its Controls, Artifi cial Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Theory. She is author of many research papers published at both International and National journals (Elsevier and IEEE), Conference proceedings. Now she works as Editor for Nova Science Publisher and Springer Publisher for four collections of Books in Robotics and Renewable Energy, and also as Guest Editor for upcoming collection for the journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering for publisher Sage. She is an Editorial Board Member for reputed in International Journals She is also a reviewer in renowned journals: Applied Energy APEN (Elsevier), Energy Strategy ES (Elsevier), Solar Energy SE (Elsevier), International Journal of Renewable Energy Research-IJRER Cited in SCOPUS, EBSCO and Thomson Reuters and International Journal of Energy Research (Wiley), International Journal of Management, Information Technology and Engineering and many others journals and serving as an Editorial Board Member of reputed conferences
and both an Editorial Board Member and Reviewer in many conferences events and potential speaker for many conferences events. Doctor Wassila Issaadi
teaches in University courses in programmation of automates (PLC programming), automatismes and robotics. Doctor Wassila ISSAADI worked as Chair Member in International Conference on Design and Production Engineering “DPE2016” at Berlin, Germany 2016, and Chair for session of her interest in International Conference on Design and Production Engineering “DPE2017” at Paris, France 2017. She is Chair and speaker for session in "2nd World Congress on Wind and Renewable Energy" June 14-15, 2018 at London, United Kingdom (UK).
Combining active fi lters and renewable sources, in particular photovoltaic systems, allows us to take advantage of power enhancers in delivering high quality pollution free power to consumers. Due to the numerous applications of the solar system, the present study has taken into consideration a diff erent type of its applications, so that by combining UPQC and PV systems in areas nearby loads, which have high potential of radiation, one can improve the quality of electrical energy delivered to consumers. Th erefore, the present study aimed to design a proposed system (UPQC-PV) considering control of the active filter, the photovoltaic system’s maximum power point tracking, and DC-link voltage control strategy. Th e results obtained from the present study indicated that compensating the parallel active fi lter leads to remove the unwanted current at the end of the network and also compensating the series active fi lter leads to compensated voltage drop in the network.