Day :
- Fluid Mechanics | Aerodynamics | Airship Design & Development | Flight Vehicle Navigation | Bio Engineering & Bio-Mechanics | Heat Transfer Systems | Applications of Aerospace Technology | Mechanical Engineering & Management
Location: Las Vegas, USA
![Fred Barez Speaker](
Fred Barez
San Jose State University, USA
Session Introduction
Shuh Jing Ying
University of South Florida, USA
Title: Discover lagrangian equation for fluid mechanics
Time : 13:45–14:05
![Shuh Jing Ying Speaker](
Shuh Jing Ying did his graduation from Provincial Shao-Hing High School. Because of the World War II, I like to be in military service, so I entered Chinese Air Force Technology Institute, and graduated with rank of number 3 in the class of 50 students. I served 4 years in the Engine Overhaul Factory in Taiwan China as a Lieutenant, and then I entered National Cheng-Kung University, majored in mechanical engineering. I graduated with number 1 student in the class of 85 students. I came to this country in 1958 and completed M.Sc. at Brown University and Ph.D. at Harvard University in 1966.
I received Outstanding Faculty Award in 1975, Engineer of Year Award in 1985, elected as Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1995, and published a text book ‘Advanced Dynamics’ in 1997. I retired in the year of 2000 and earned a title of Emeritus Professor. Because I like to serve this country and this world, so I am still working with a part time job in the University of South Florida.
Lagrangian equation is a useful tool in dynamics. Many equations are developed with the use of Lagrangian equation. But it is not used in fluid mechanics. Now based on the momentum equation in fluid mechanics, I derived the Lagrangian equation so I proved that it can be used also in fluid mechanics. Detailed derivation will be presented in the conference. To illustrate the use of the equation, some examples are given. Those examples given are especially in very familiar area, so people can immediately recognize that is working. Momentum equations for inviscid fluid in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates are chosen for the illustration. Now the door is open, application of the equation can be very fruitful to scientists in fluid mechanics.
Mark N Callender
Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Title: UAS rotor sound pressure level reduction through leading edge, upper surface, and trailing edge modification
Time : 14:05–14:25
![Mark N Callender Speaker](
Mark N Callender earned a BS in Aerospace from Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU), an MS in Aviation Systems from the University of Tennessee Space Institute (UTSI), and a PhD in Engineering Science, with emphases in Thermal and Fluid Mechanics, from UTSI. He worked as a flight test engineer for the US Army Technical Test Center (ATTC) conducting performance and systems flight testing of various Army aircraft. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Aerospace at MTSU where he coordinates the aerospace technology concentration and teaches aerodynamics and aircraft performance and provides research mentorship to undergraduate and graduate students. His research interests include low Reynolds number fluid mechanics, active and passive flow control, micro air vehicle (MAV) lift production, force balance design, propeller sound reduction, the philosophy of time, and Christian apologetics.
Manned aviation is regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in order to provide for safe, secure, efficient, and environmentally responsible aviation in the United States. One environmental issue regulated by the FAA is the noise created by aircraft. Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Title 14 Part 36 deals specifically with sound pressure levels (SPL) according to aircraft type when the aircraft are in close proximity to the ground. Minimizing aircraft noise helps to maintain positive relationships between the aviation community and the general public. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) are a very rapidly growing segment of the aviation industry within the National Airspace System (NAS); however, there is currently no regulation for UAS SPL. The UAS are regulated, as of August 29, 2016 such that they are mandated to be in close proximity to the ground (no higher than 400 ft). As with manned aircraft, UAS produce high levels of SPL, much of which is due to the rotors. The combination of close proximity to the ground, high SPL, and increasing UAS density will most certainly result in a negative public reaction. In order to minimize the audible impact of UAS, the author sought to minimize the SPL of small UAS propellers/rotors via leading edge, upper surface, and trailing edge modifications. The results of one type of leading edge modification were previously presented. Continued modifications consisted of additional leading edge combs, an upper surface fabric coating, and a trailing edge fabric tufting. These modifications were inspired by the three characteristics found on the flight feathers of certain owls. The modifications were evaluated individually and as a composite.
Songgang Qiu
West Virginia University, USA
Title: Numerical and experimental evaluation of novel heat pipe design for use in thermal energy storage applications
Time : 14:25–14:45
![Songgang Qiu Speaker](
Songgang Qiu has completed his PhD from University of Minnesota and continued postdoctoral studies for a year. He is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at West Virginia University. He has served as the Principal Investigator for more than three dozen research projects. His research focus is in thermal-fluids, energy efficiency, energy conversion and energy storage.
The main limitation in the widespread implementation of solar thermal power generation is the lack of energy storage to overcome transients in incoming solar insolation. Although the use of phase change materials for latent heat based thermal energy storage is an improvement over sensible heat storage systems, the materials used have low thermal conductivities that limit the heat transfer rate during charging and discharging. One method to enhance the heat transfer rate is to embed heat pipes into the PCM. Heat pipes are an efficient means of transferring energy at high rates under nearly isothermal conditions by utilizing the vast amount of energy released during condensation/evaporation. However, the complex multiphase heat transfer makes it difficult to accurately model their behavior. A novel numerical model was derived that is able of capturing the heat transfer in unconventional geometries that experience non-uniform condensation. This would extend the range of the model and aid in the design of complex heat pipe networks. In order to validate the model, a series of experiments were conducted that examined the effect of working fluid fill volume, input hear, and inclination angle had on the thermal performance of the heat pipe. Strong agreement between the numerally predicated operating temperature and the experimentally recorded value were obtained. This lends confidence that the applied numerical method is capable of capturing the fluid dynamics and multiphase heat transfer that occurs within a complex heat pipe network allowing it to be used for full scale system optimization.
Khaled Asfar
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
Title: Dual-rotor vertical axis wind turbine mounted on houses
Time : 14:45–15:05
![Khaled Asfar Speaker](
Khaled Asfar is a Professor in Mechanical Engineering/JUST University. He is the Founder of Innovation Center and Technological Incubator at the University. He has been a visiting scholar at Aerospace Engineering/Texas A and M University (2007-2008) and a visiting Professor in Mechanical Engineering/Purdue University (2008-2010). He received his PhD degree from Virginia Tech in 1980. He was awarded several scientific honors and awards such as the Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship (1991-1992). He published numerous articles in several fields and holds five US patents and patent pending applications. He is an Associate Editor for Journal of Vibration and Control.
The idea here is to utilize the high velocity wind that develops when wind blows over the inclined roof of individual home (Venturi effect). A dual-rotor wind turbine is mounted on a vertical axis on the highest point in a house. This design consists of two rotors, each rotor has three blades 120o away from each other, there is a space between the two rotors, the blade geometry and the turbine design is shown in the figure below. A vertical axis wind turbine is also mounted on the same shaft such that their combined torque is used to generate electricity from a generator on the same axis below the dual-rotors. This design has been chosen after numerically experimenting with several designs of horizontal rotor blades. The blades have been designed using Creo elements/pro engineer program. The proposed wind turbine has been tested numerically using the CFD program; XFLOW. The horizontal tangential forces on the blades were calculated by a function viewer. First, the forces Fx and Fz were evaluated. Second, the resultant forces and torque exerted by the blades on the vertical shaft are calculated. Finally, the effect of introducing this dual-rotor turbine on the power generated by the upper vertical wind turbine is investigated.
Jiawei Zhang
Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Title: Flow mechanism analysis of the Magnus effect for spinning finned projectile
Time : 15:05–15:25
![Jiawei Zhang Speaker](
Jiawei Zhang is studying for a Doctor's degree in Beijing Institute of Technology. His main areas of research is the aerodynamic characteristics of spinning projectile.
The study of the side force and the yawing moment of the spinning finned projectile usually focuses on the time-averaged value, because the engineer demands the time-averaged value to design the trajectory and analyze the stability of the projectile. However, for the flow mechanism study of the side force and the yawing moment, the analysis of the transient flow field is necessary. The previous studies always treat the transient aerodynamic coefficient directly. In this paper, the transient aerodynamic coefficient is divided into two parts. The static coefficient is decided by the roll angle ψ and the unsteady coefficient related to the spin rate . This paper presents the numerical simulation of a spinning projectile with four fins at angles of attack 15° and 25° with several spin rates. According to the research, dividing the transient aerodynamic coefficient into the static coefficient and the unsteady coefficient contributes to the Magnus mechanism study. The results showed that the unsteady coefficient have linear correlation with the spin rate in the present conditions. Besides a few cases at small Mach number and large angle of attack, the transient aerodynamic coefficient makes positive contribution to the time-averaged side force and moment. Furthermore, in supersonic conditions, the shock wave caused by the fins significantly influences the side force and moment, in other words, the shape of fin obviously affects the side force and yaw moment. At high Mach number, the leeward flow induced by the fore-body dominates the Magnus effect.
Jintao Yin
Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Title: Effect of elastic deformation on the aerodynamic characteristics of a spinning projectile
Time : 15:25–15:45
![Jintao Yin Speaker](
Jintao Yin is now a PhD candidate from Beijing Institute of Technology. He is major in the aerodynamic characteristics of spinning vehicles, especially for those with structural deformation. He has published two papers in Aerospace Science and Technology.
Elastic deformation can occur on spinning projectiles that are flying under aerodynamic loads at high speeds. The coupling of elastic deformation with a rolling movement may affect the stability and maneuverability of the projectile. A comparison between the numerical results and the wind tunnel experiments for a rigid secant-ogive-cylinder (SOC) spinning projectile proves that boundary layer flow and aerodynamic characteristics can be accurately estimated using the shear stress transport (SST) turbulence model. The equation describing the spinning and elastic movement was established. The projectile longitudinal deformation was defined as the low order bending mode of a free-free beam, and the deformation in crossflow plane was asumed as a heart-shaped curve. The spin and deformation movement were achieved by the sliding mesh method and the dynamic mesh with diffusion-based smoothing algorithm, respectively. Grid resolution and time independence studies were carried out for the accuracy of the unsteady computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results with both spin and elastic deformation. The numerical calculations indicate that the flow response lags behind the elastic deformation, and a difference is observed between the influence of upward and downward movements on the flow field, the boundary layer changes with elastic movement, resulting in a non-linear relationship between the movement and the induced aerodynamic forces. The induced time-averaged aerodynamic force increases with the elastic deformation rate, which in turn alters the direction of the time-averaged Magnus force.
Antonio O Dourado
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Title: One versus two: A different philosophy in simulated combat training
Time : 15:45–16:05
![Antonio O Dourado Speaker](
Antonio O Dourado is a Professor of Flight Dynamics in the Aerospace Engineering Course at Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil and Editor of the Journal Applied Physics Research. He obtained his doctorate in Mechanical Engineering studying military dynamic flight simulators in 2012. Also, he has designed several motion simulators for aeronautic and automotive applications.
Pilots in military aviation are subjected to extreme conditions, like high-g maneuvers and flight in high angle of attack. In this sense, pilots must have good physiologic resistance besides proficiency in aircraft systems and weapons. Some suggest that with next generation aircraft with stealth features, beyond visual range combat will rule the skies. That can be true, but considering the designs of both Russian T-50 and Chinese J-20 and J-31 that give importance to maneuverability and stealth, it is not difficult to imagine an air combat starting in bvr but finishing in a dogfight. With this possible situation in mind, within visual range combat can’t be neglected, and pilots must train hundreds of hours per year to achieve the desired proficiency in ACM. To present day, flight simulation in combat training has a separated approach regarding physiologic and tactical training: Use of g-seats coupled with large field of view image projection for tactical training and centrifuges for physiologic training. The drawbacks are clear: g-seat can’t simulate extreme g-loads that undermine pilots stamina and current generation centrifuges (active or passive) can’t be properly used for combat training due limitations described in literature (i.e. motion sickness due Coriolis effect). If one could combine in a simulator, strengths of both systems in one new flight simulator, there’ll be a revolution in combat training. This paper proposes a change in paradigm in combat training, showing a new concept of flight simulator, considering that close combat will be still relevant in the near future.
Maurizio Manzo
University of North Texas, USA
Title: Optical sensing based on micro-scale resonators
Time : 16:30-16:50
![Maurizio Manzo Speaker](
Maurizio Manzo is a new Assistant Professor joining the Department of Engineering Technology at the University of North Texas-UNT in fall 2017 and the Founder and Director of its Photonics Micro-Devices Fabrication Laboratory. He previously covered the position of Lecturer at Texas A&M University-Kingsville where he taught courses such as heat transfer, continuum mechanics, finite element methods, and control systems. He received a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Southern Methodist University, Texas in 2015 and both MS and BS in Aerospace Engineering from Universita’ degli Studi di Palermo, Italy in 2011 and 2009 respectively. His research focuses on sensors development, instrumentation and flow diagnostics, and biomedical micro-devices. He has published papers in reputed journals and is a Member of ASME.
The whispering gallery mode phenomenon has attracted many scientists since was discovered by Lord Rayleigh in the 20th century in the San Paul cathedral in London. The high-quality factor together with the micro-scale dimensions of the resonator is fundamental for sensor’s applications. The light trapped inside a micro-resonator travels through total internal reflection generating the whispering gallery modes (WGMs) or morphology dependent resonances (MDRs). The optical modes are highly sensitive to the morphology of the resonator and any external event that induces a change in size, shape, and index of refraction of the micro-resonator leads to a shift in its optical modes. Therefore, the induced WGMs shifts can be related to the applied external event. In most applications, the coupling between the light and the micro-resonator is made using a single mode optical fiber connected to one end to a tunable diode laser and connected to the other end to a photodiode; on the other hand, wireless coupling is used in measurements where cabling tends to be problematic; in this case, a dye doped micro-resonator which acts as a tiny laser is used.
Andrew D Lowery
Terra Response, LLC, USA
Title: Terra response: A subsurface anomaly detection system
Time : 16:50-17:10
![Andrew D Lowery Speaker](
Andrew D. Lowery has received degrees of Ph.D. (2012), M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2006) B.S. in Computer and Electrical Engineering (2004) from West Virginia University. His research in the areas of design and controls, electromagnetics, and engineering education, resulted in peer reviewed publications, including 19 conference proceedings and 10 articles and bound papers. Dr. Lowery is a member of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers, and Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society.
The need for object detection and recognition stems from the demands of many varying, worldwide applications including humanitarian, industrial, defense, and recreational needs. To date, the primary subsurface and anomaly detection techniques include ground-penetrating radar, ultrasonic testing, ferrous material detection, and chemical detection. Each application arises from shared or distinctive interests within a specific field, and each method offers unique advantages and disadvantages. The industrial sector has become a source of incredible demand for subsurface object detection and recognition. As utility companies increasingly locate cable and pipe beneath the ground and within structures while transitioning to nearly exclusive use of plastics for those components, they have simultaneously generated a growing demand for detection of plastics within various mediums, particularly earth and concrete. The need for non-destructive testing has also grown within this sector.
The following paper will introduce a technology and describe its operation purely on detecting the electromagnetic signals generated from within the Earth itself. By being able to measure and monitor these signals generated from the core, such a system will not only be able to identify the shape and orientation of an underground object, but also, based on the changes in the measured signal, can predict the material composition of the object. This will demonstrate that such a system is the first of its kind to offer anomaly object detection and recognition in a completely passive manner with the added ability to locate a host of materials, including plastics.
Ahmet Feyzioglu
Marmara University, Turkey
Title: Innovation management case study on aircraft certification from mechanical engineering point of view
Time : 17:10-17:30
![Ahmet Feyzioglu Speaker](
Ahmet Feyzioglu has completed his PhD in 2012 from Marmara University and Postdoctoral studies from University of Manchester, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research. He has been working in Marmara University Mechanical Engineering Dept. since 2013.
Nowadays, aerospace and aviation sector is a symbol of development level of a country. Most of the developing countries are growing with its investment on aerospace and aviation sector. This development creates needs for enterprises in the sector such as purchasing material, system, purchasing service (maintenance, repair, consulting, supporting), creating resource, acquisition planning from domestic market and adapt international enterprises requirements and systems. For connecting all these needs (EASA, FAA) to European market, it is important to have expert certification engineers and a programmer according to sector needs. Enterprises have to raise their competitiveness and sustainability in order to survive in the sector. This circumstance forces them to work on innovative studies and find innovative solutions. When companies gain more innovative structure, innovative solutions will take place in organizational dimension. Organizational innovative culture occurs in company with strong management support and that support is given by innovative leaders. In this research, aviation innovation management as well as a case study on aircraft certification will be pointed up. EASA standards will be featured in order to support mechanical engineering solutions.
- Design & Development of Rockets | Space Engineering | Energy Processing | Mechanics, Dynamics and Controls | Vehicle Systems and Technologies |Bio Engineering & Bio-Mechanics | Design and Modelling of Aircraft and Helicopter Engines | Robotics and Mechatronics | Material Processing
Location: Las Vegas, USA
![Vishwas Bedekar Speaker](
Vishwas Bedekar
Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Session Introduction
D L Young
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Title: The localized method of approximated particular solutions-a mesh less approach for solving multidimensional in compressible Navier-Stokes equations
Time : 13:35–13:55
![D L Young Speaker](
D L Young has completed his PhD from Cornell University and also did his postdoctoral studies at Cornell University School of Engineering. He is now the Emeritus Professor of National Taiwan University after teaching for 34 years. He has published more than 158 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of several SCI Journals.
This talk paper will focus on demonstrating that the localized method of Approximated Particular Solutions (LMAPS) is a stable, accurate and meshless numerical tool for simulating multidimensional incompressible viscous flow fields governed by the Navier-Stokes equations. Totally there are four numerical bench mark experiments conducted including interior and exterior flows: A two-dimensional lid-driven cavity flow problem, and a two-dimensional backward facing step problem. A further attempt to solve three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations as the two-dimensional benchmark examples will be addressed and discussed as well. Throughout this talk, the LM APS has been tested by non-uniform point distribution, extremely narrow rectangular domain, internal flow, velocity or pressure driven flow and high velocity or pressure gradient, etc. All results are similar with results obtained by the finite element method (FEM) or other existing mesh- dependent methods such as finite difference method (FDM), FEM, finite volume method (FVM), etc. in the literature. And it is concluded that the LMAP S has high potential to be app lied to more complicate engineering applications as far as solving Navier-Stokes equations are concerned.
Vishwas Bedekar
Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Title: Study of magneto electric effect for sensing and energy harvesting applications
Time : 13:55–14:15
![Vishwas Bedekar Speaker](
Vishwas N Bedekar has received his PhD degree from University of Texas at Arlington. He has several years of experience in synthesis and characterization of piezoelectric and magnetoelectric materials. He has also worked on carbon based nanomaterials and design and development of energy harvesting devices and systems. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology at Middle Tennessee State University. He has authored over 30 publications in peer reviewed journals, conference proceedings and conference presentations. He has authored two book chapters and is reviewer on 10 internationally circulated journals related to materials science research.
Magnetoelectric (ME) effect occurs when a change in magnetic field triggers stress in the magnetostrictive material which is then transferred to an adjacent ferroelectric material which generates voltage under direct piezoelectric effect. This product effect enables several sensing and energy harvesting applications. In this talk, we will present an overview of research on magnetoelectric phenomenon within nanoscale through bulk scale and explain the working principle of devices and systems. Particularly, we discuss advances in particulate ME composites, laminate ME composites, 3–1 ME composites. We also present development of piezoelectric and magnetostrictive composites as well as design and fabrication of ME devices. This study demonstrates importance of material selection, design of devices and its applications such as gradiometer and energy harvester.
Peter Heidlauf, Matthew Cooper
Air Force Institute of Technology, USA
Title: Nonlinear Lyapunov control improved by an extended least squares adaptive feed forward controller and enhanced Luenberger observer
Time : 14:15–14:35
![Peter Heidlauf, Matthew Cooper Speaker](
Matthew Cooper completed his M.S. in Electrical Engineering and M.S. in Aeronautical Engineering at the Air Force Institute of Technology and his B.S. in Electrical
Engineering at Penn State. He has worked as an Electrical Systems Integration Engineer at BAE Systems, as a Geospatial Intelligence Project Engineer at the
National Air and Space Intelligence Center, and is currently at the AFRL Advanced Laser Division.
Peter Heidlauf completed his M.S. in Aeronautical Engineering at the Air Force Institute of Technology and his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at the Rose-Hulman
Institute of Technology. He is an Autonomous Control Aerospace Engineer at the AFRL Power and Control Division.
Three adaptive approaches for a non-linear feedforward controller are combined with and sinusoidal trajectory planners in a
spacecraft attitude control system. Physics-based feedforward control, trajectory generation, observers, feedback control, and
system stability are discussed in relation to the nonlinear dynamics under simulation. The adaptive feedforward controllers compared
include an adaptive controller, a Recursive Least Square (RLS) Method, and an Extended Least Squares (ELS) Method. A novel
approach to incorporate ELS in adapting an idealized feedforward controller was developed and compared to the standard RLS
optimal estimator. For a large slew maneuver, the controller configuration with ELS feedforward, PID feedback, and sinusoidal
trajectory outperformed the baseline adaptive controller. Mean error was decreased by 23.4%, error standard deviation by 34.0%, and
maximum error by 33.0%. Mean control effort was similar for all controller configurations. This improvement is due to corrections
for miss-modeled dynamics, which occur during spacecraft launch, collisions with debris, or due to fuel slosh and loose components
Florian Hache
Florida Atlantic University, USA
Title: Development of continualized models for the analytical study of nanoplates in buckling and vibration: principles and perspectives
Time : 14:35–14:55
![Florian Hache Speaker](
Florian Hache is pursuing third year of his PhD at Florida Atlantic University (USA) and University of South Brittany (France). He works on the development of analytical models to describe the mechanical behavior of carbon nanotubes and graphene nano-plates in vibration.
The aim of this presentation is to develop, through continualized processes, analytical models, more consistent than the well-known existing Eringen’s models for the study of the mechanical behavior in vibration and buckling of simply supported nano beams and nano-plates subjected to compressive forces. The nonlocal Eringen’s models are based on a phenomenological approach. Recent studies have shown that the inherent scale effects are captured by a small length scale coefficient, paradoxically varying with the geometry or the load. Using as a reference model the exact lattice model, the Eringen’s model is not consistent. It is suggested to develop new models based on continualization of the difference equations of the original lattice problem (labeled as continualized nonlocal models). A review of different continualization schemes is provided. Each of them is also supported by variational arguments giving an access to the boundary conditions. The buckling load and the natural frequencies obtained from each of the models were compared. Moreover, in contrast to the Eringen’s models, the continualized approach provides a small length-scale coefficient intrinsically constant, calibrated with respect to the element size of the microstructured structure. Consequently, the continualized approach supplants the traditionally used phenomenological Eringen’s approach. This presentation is the continuity of several papers published these last years and dealing with these issues.
Andrew D Lowery
Plasma Igniter, LLC, USA
Title: Multi-fuel combustion using a dual signal plasma Igniter
Time : 14:55–15:15
![Andrew D Lowery Speaker](
Andrew D. Lowery has received degrees of Ph.D. (2012), M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2006) B.S. in Computer and Electrical Engineering (2004) from West Virginia University. Currently, he is the Lead Scientist at Plasma Igniter, LLC His research in the areas of design and controls, electromagnetics, and engineering education, resulted in peer reviewed publications, including 19 conference proceedings and 10 articles and bound papers. Dr. Lowery is a member of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers, and Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society.
Considering the present global industrial landscape, the availability of fuel sources takes on an ever increasing importance. Fuel quantity, type, and availability have become an issue, as has the consistency in the blend and purity. This is a major strategic problem when our armed forces must scavenge for their fuel stocks while in a combat environment. One of the clear solutions is to provide combustion environments that will allow for the use of a variety and mixture of fuels all in the same engine.
What’s needed is a highly-energized ignition source that fills the combustion environment with a widely dispersed field of energy and more importantly that can be used as a diagnostic tool to vary the cycle-to-cycle process and adjust for the type and amount of fuel as well as the timing of the ignition.
The Quarter Wave Coaxial Cavity Resonator (QWCCR) plasma plug is a highly efficient microwave frequency voltage step-up device that is capable of heating and ionizing gases and igniting a wide variety of air fuel mixtures. It creates a high power density oscillating electromagnetic field with uniquely different ignition properties from that of a DC spark. By pumping this energy into the cylinder, this device energizes the air fuel mixture over a large ignition volume. Initial tests have demonstrated repeated cylinder ignition of an internal combustion engine using a QWCCR. This paper will describe the testing of the QWCCR plasma plug on a single dedicated test engine with a variety of fuels.
Hsiao Kang Ma
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Title: Development of an eccentric blade rotor rotary engine
Time : 15:15–15:35
![Hsiao Kang Ma Speaker](
Hsiao Kang Kang Ma is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at National Taiwan University since 1987. Currently, he is Chairman of Taiwan Carbon Capture Storage and Utilization Association. He also hosts as the Advisor Board Member of ASPACC 2009-2015. His research is directed to energy systems and the associated environmental impacts with activity ranging from combustion to advanced energy systems. Research by him has been documented in over 200 publications. He was Research Engineer of Energy and Environmental Research Co. (Irvine) in 1985-87. He received the PhD degree from Mechanical Engineering Dept. of the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1985.
The eccentric blade rotor rotary engine is internally divided into a compression section, a combustion chamber, and a power section. Each rotor device of a compression/power section is made up of a rotor body and three swing blades. Each swing blade is pivotally connected to the rotor body and may swing about a pivot pin. The rotor body and the swing blades of the rotor device are each formed by jointing a left half and a right half. The left half and the right half have joint surfaces in which at least one recess is formed in an opposing manner to receive an elastic element. The elastic element provides an outward pushing force to the left half and the right half. Under the high temperature operation, the rotor body and the swing blades expand due to the heat and thus compress towards the center whereby sufficient looseness may be presented between the rotor body and the swing blades and a cylinder wall to ensure smooth operation. Each swing blade comprises a cylindrical roller mounted to a front end and a curved back, and each of the rollers is provided, at an inner side, with a support device that is capable of sustaining a counteracting force applied by a cylinder wall to the roller. Thus, the frictional force between the roller and the support device is reduced. Since this novel design delivers a more efficient engine that will help to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emission in transportation industries.
Salwan Waheed
University of Missouri, USA
Title: Sensitivity analysis for a single-shoe drum brake
Time : 15:35–13:55
![Salwan Waheed Speaker](
Mr. Salwan Waheed was an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Babylon University, Iraq and now he is pursuing his PH.D at University of Missouri, Columbia.
Drum brakes have dominated the braking industry for many years, and will most likely continue to do so for the foreseeable future due to their low cost and adequate operating performance. Basic equations for designing these brakes have been presented in college textbooks, while complicated analysis has been published using finite element methods to predict brake squeal and instability. This paper seeks to step away from the complexity of numerical models to consider the fundamental braking phenomenon of a single-shoe drum brake, using no dimensional, closed-form analysis and a Taylor series expansion to examine the effects of perturbing dimensionless design parameters. In conclusion this paper shows that the braking torque is dependent upon only four dimensionless groups, and that two of these groups dominate the physics of braking. Furthermore, it is shown that adjustments to these two dominating groups have a direct impact on the contact pressure between that shoe material and the brake drum, and that this pressure must be kept below the yield strength of the braking material in order to prevent a mechanical failure of the brake. Since the results are no dimensional, they are generally applicable to all single-shoe drum brakes having a design with mechanical features that are similar to the one analyzed in this paper. Taguchi optimization method is used to find the optimum design of that brake using largest the best of quality loss function.
Andrew D Lowery
Plasma Igniter, LLC, USA
Title: High level modelling and verification of in-cylinder diagnostics using a dual signal plasma Igniter
Time : 16:15-16:35
![Andrew D Lowery Speaker](
Andrew D. Lowery has received degrees of Ph.D. (2012), M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2006) B.S. in Computer and Electrical Engineering (2004) from West Virginia University. Currently, he is the Lead Scientist at Plasma Igniter, LLC His research in the areas of design and controls, electromagnetics, and engineering education, resulted in peer reviewed publications, including 19 conference proceedings and 10 articles and bound papers. Dr. Lowery is a member of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers, and Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
To become a viable solution, next generation ignition systems must utilize new strategies to provide significant environmental and economic benefits. Continuing to build on current ignition schemes using manipulations in timing, modified fuel injection methods, or minor physical design modifications will not be satisfactory. Next generation systems must include completely unique methods as compared to current spark plug systems.
One such solution being developed is the Coaxial Cavity Resonator Ignition System (CCRIS), a new approach to igniting fuel air mixtures, dramatically reducing energy consumption. At the core of this ignition system is the Quarter Wave Coaxial Cavity Resonator (QWCCR), a high-power microwave transformer capable of creating a low temperature plasma corona for the ignition of a variety of fuel mixtures.
What is also missing from these next generation systems is an equally novel method for on-board diagnostics. This microwave resonator technology can be used as both an ignition device, because of its ability to step up voltage and form a coronal plasma, and an in-cylinder sensing device, because of its inherent resonance structure.
High level modelling and verification has been performed to show how a dual signal plasma igniter can be used to determine resonance characteristics, in-cylinder density, compression ratio, crank shaft position, and misfire during the combustion process on a cycle-by-cycle basis.
Jorge Luis Nisperuza Toledo
Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, Colombia
Title: Variational method for the calculation of efficient paths with gravitational assist
Time : 16:35–16:55
![Jorge Luis Nisperuza Toledo Speaker](
Jorge Nisperuza is a Physical Engineer, Master's Degree in Physics and PhD in Physics from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He is currently a research professor at Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, Bogotá-Colombia, and is the director of the research group in Physics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics- FEMA. He has published several scientific articles in the field of theoretical physics, in the areas of Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology. He has extensive teaching experience in courses: classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and mechanics and waves.
The Lagrangian formulation of classical mechanics provides a satisfactory description of many classical physical systems in particular the analysis of the movement of bodies gives the interacting forces and fields. In orbital mechanics and aerospace engineering, gravitational assist has been widely used in sending of probes through and outside the solar system, taking advantage of the impulse and / or gravitational braking caused by massive celestial bodies. In this work, using the Lagrangian formulation of classical mechanics, more specifically, the variational method involving the use of the Euler-Lagrange equations, we will explore analytically and through numerical simulation the optimal paths for the shipment of probes from the earth to different planets of the inner and outer solar system. Taking into account the orbital positions of the planets under consideration, several launch windows will be studied during the period 2018-2028, analytically optimizing them using the theoretical formulation previously indicated. As a result, simulations of the most energy and temporary efficiency paths will be shown.
Taejong Paik
Chung-Ang University, South Korea
Title: Size-controlled colloidal synthesis of monodisperse siloxane-based PDMS nanoparticles
Time : 16:55-17:15
![Taejong Paik Speaker](
Taejong Paik has completed his PhD from University of Pennsylvania, USA. He is the Assistant Professor of Chung-Ang University, South Korea. He has over 30 publications reported in high quality journals in a field of chemistry, including JACS, nano letters, and ACS nano, and his publication H-index is 18.
Recently, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) particles gained the attention as a polymeric matrix support for biomolecules and contrast agents due to their biocompatible, inert, and tolerance to a variety of fabrication methods. In this study, we synthesized the colloidal nanoparticles (NPs) with various monodisperse size distributions. Modified Stöber process has been tested to synthesize PDMS NPs by using dimethylsiloxane and tetraethyl orthosilicate as precursors. Ammonia was used to induce base-catalyst hydrolysis and condensation, forming dispersed nanocolloids. Chemical bond structure of PDMS was confirmed by FT-IR spectrums and EDS. The synthesized PDMS NPs exhibited an excellent colloidal stability in water. The particle size was readily tunable from approximately 90 nm to 300 nm in diameter by changing the concentration of monomers and catalyst. Furthermore, the cytotoxicity of siloxane-based PDMS NPs was evaluated by CCK-8 assay for all groups.
![Salwan Waheed Speaker](
Mr. Salwan Waheed was an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Babylon University, Iraq and now he is pursuing his PH.D at University of Missouri, Columbia.
Drum brakes have dominated the braking industry for many years, and will most likely continue to do so for the foreseeable future due to their low cost and adequate operating performance. Basic equations for designing these brakes have been presented in college textbooks, while complicated analysis has been published using finite element methods to predict brake squeal and instability. This paper seeks to step away from the complexity of numerical models to consider the fundamental braking phenomenon of a single-shoe drum brake, using no dimensional, closed-form analysis and a Taylor series expansion to examine the effects of perturbing dimensionless design parameters. In conclusion this paper shows that the braking torque is dependent upon only four dimensionless groups, and that two of these groups dominate the physics of braking. Furthermore, it is shown that adjustments to these two dominating groups have a direct impact on the contact pressure between that shoe material and the brake drum, and that this pressure must be kept below the yield strength of the braking material in order to prevent a mechanical failure of the brake. Since the results are no dimensional, they are generally applicable to all single-shoe drum brakes having a design with mechanical features that are similar to the one analyzed in this paper. Taguchi optimization method is used to find the optimum design of that brake using largest the best of quality loss function.
Andrew D Lowery
Plasma Igniter, LLC, USA
Title: High level modelling and verification of in-cylinder diagnostics using a dual signal plasma Igniter
![Andrew D Lowery Speaker](
Andrew D. Lowery has received degrees of Ph.D. (2012), M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2006) B.S. in Computer and Electrical Engineering (2004) from West Virginia University. Currently, he is the Lead Scientist at Plasma Igniter, LLC His research in the areas of design and controls, electromagnetics, and engineering education, resulted in peer reviewed publications, including 19 conference proceedings and 10 articles and bound papers. Dr. Lowery is a member of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers, and Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
To become a viable solution, next generation ignition systems must utilize new strategies to provide significant environmental and economic benefits. Continuing to build on current ignition schemes using manipulations in timing, modified fuel injection methods, or minor physical design modifications will not be satisfactory. Next generation systems must include completely unique methods as compared to current spark plug systems.
One such solution being developed is the Coaxial Cavity Resonator Ignition System (CCRIS), a new approach to igniting fuel air mixtures, dramatically reducing energy consumption. At the core of this ignition system is the Quarter Wave Coaxial Cavity Resonator (QWCCR), a high-power microwave transformer capable of creating a low temperature plasma corona for the ignition of a variety of fuel mixtures.
What is also missing from these next generation systems is an equally novel method for on-board diagnostics. This microwave resonator technology can be used as both an ignition device, because of its ability to step up voltage and form a coronal plasma, and an in-cylinder sensing device, because of its inherent resonance structure.
High level modelling and verification has been performed to show how a dual signal plasma igniter can be used to determine resonance characteristics, in-cylinder density, compression ratio, crank shaft position, and misfire during the combustion process on a cycle-by-cycle basis.
Jorge Luis Nisperuza Toledo
Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, Colombia
Title: Variational method for the calculation of efficient paths with gravitational assist
![Jorge Luis Nisperuza Toledo Speaker](
Jorge Nisperuza is a Physical Engineer, Master's Degree in Physics and PhD in Physics from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He is currently a research professor at Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, Bogotá-Colombia, and is the director of the research group in Physics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics- FEMA. He has published several scientific articles in the field of theoretical physics, in the areas of Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology. He has extensive teaching experience in courses: classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and mechanics and waves.
The Lagrangian formulation of classical mechanics provides a satisfactory description of many classical physical systems in particular the analysis of the movement of bodies gives the interacting forces and fields. In orbital mechanics and aerospace engineering, gravitational assist has been widely used in sending of probes through and outside the solar system, taking advantage of the impulse and / or gravitational braking caused by massive celestial bodies. In this work, using the Lagrangian formulation of classical mechanics, more specifically, the variational method involving the use of the Euler-Lagrange equations, we will explore analytically and through numerical simulation the optimal paths for the shipment of probes from the earth to different planets of the inner and outer solar system. Taking into account the orbital positions of the planets under consideration, several launch windows will be studied during the period 2018-2028, analytically optimizing them using the theoretical formulation previously indicated. As a result, simulations of the most energy and temporary efficiency paths will be shown.
Taejong Paik,
Chung-Ang University, South Korea
Title: Size-controlled colloidal synthesis of monodisperse siloxane-based PDMS nanoparticles
![Taejong Paik, Speaker](
Taejong Paik has completed his PhD from University of Pennsylvania, USA. He is the Assistant Professor of Chung-Ang University, South Korea. He has over 30 publications reported in high quality journals in a field of chemistry, including JACS, nano letters, and ACS nano, and his publication H-index is 18.
Recently, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) particles gained the attention as a polymeric matrix support for biomolecules and contrast agents due to their biocompatible, inert, and tolerance to a variety of fabrication methods. In this study, we synthesized the colloidal nanoparticles (NPs) with various monodisperse size distributions. Modified Stöber process has been tested to synthesize PDMS NPs by using dimethylsiloxane and tetraethyl orthosilicate as precursors. Ammonia was used to induce base-catalyst hydrolysis and condensation, forming dispersed nanocolloids. Chemical bond structure of PDMS was confirmed by FT-IR spectrums and EDS. The synthesized PDMS NPs exhibited an excellent colloidal stability in water. The particle size was readily tunable from approximately 90 nm to 300 nm in diameter by changing the concentration of monomers and catalyst. Furthermore, the cytotoxicity of siloxane-based PDMS NPs was evaluated by CCK-8 assay for all groups.
- Robotics and Mechatronics | Material Processing | Airship Design & Development | Mechanics, Dynamics and Controls
Location: Las Vegas, USA
![Shaaban Abdallah Speaker](
Shaaban Abdallah
University of Cincinnati, USA
- Design & Development of Rockets | Space Engineering | Energy Processing | Mechanics, Dynamics and Controls | Vehicle Systems and Technologies |Bio Engineering & Bio-Mechanics | Design and Modelling of Aircraft and Helicopter Engines | Robotics and Mechatronics | Material Processing
Location: Las Vegas, USA
![Vishwas Bedekar Speaker](
Vishwas Bedekar
Middle Tennessee State University, USA
- Robotics and Mechatronics | Material Processing | Airship Design & Development | Mechanics, Dynamics and Controls
Location: Las Vegas, USA
![Shaaban Abdallah Speaker](
Shaaban Abdallah
University of Cincinnati, USA
- Robotics and Mechatronics | Material Processing | Airship Design & Development | Mechanics, Dynamics and Controls
Location: Las Vegas, USA
![Shaaban Abdallah Speaker](
Shaaban Abdallah
University of Cincinnati, USA
Session Introduction
Abdullah Altin
Yuzuncu Yıl University, Turkey
Title: The machining of Haynes 188 nickel based aero space material with ceramic cutting tool
Time : 14:40-15:00
![Abdullah Altin Speaker](
Abdullah Altin is an Assoc., Professor Doctor in Van Vocational of Higher School, Mechanical and Metal Technology Department, at Van Yuzuncu Yıl University in Turkey. His field of study is Manufacturing and Construction and has been working on CAD/CAM (computer aid design/computer aid manufacture), solid edge, master cam and production technics. He has been in Germany Zittau- Gorlitz University Mechanical Engineering department for research and access to training in CAD/CAM by Erasmus Project. And he has also been invitated for teaching Staff Mobility by Erasmus program to France, Nancy University of Lorraine and France-University of Belfort, Mechanical Engineering Department in May 2013 and in May 2016. Since 1996 he has working at Yuzuncu Yıl University as a Lecturer and then as an Assoc. Professor Doctor. Presently he is the Head of Department.
In this study, were investigated the effects of cutting speed on cutting forces and surface roughness based on Taguchi experimental design. . The effects of machining parameters were investigated using Taguchi L18 orthogonal array. Optimal cutting conditions were determined using the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio which is calculated for average surface roughness and cutting force according to the "the smaller is better" approach. Using results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and signal-to–noise (S/N) ratio, effects of parameters on both average surface roughness and cutting forces were statistically investigated. Tree different cutting tools were used in experiments as KYON 4300, KYS 25 and KYS 30. Main cutting force, Fz is considered to be cutting force as a criterion. In the experiments, depending on the tool material, lowest main cutting force 592 N at 260 m/min and lowest average surface roughness (0.424 μm) at 230 m/min with KYS25 ceramic tool was found. While cutting speed and feed rate has higher effect on the cutting force, the feed rate and cutting speed has seen higher effect on average surface roughness. In the cutting force and surface roughness turning tests, the KYON 4300 cutting tool has seen better performance than the other cutting tools.
Yao Fu
University of Cincinnati, USA
Title: First-principles based multiscale multiphysics approaches for integrated computational materials engineering
Time : 15:00-15:20
![Yao Fu Speaker](
Yao Fu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at the University of Cincinnati. Prior to that, she conducted her Postdoctoral studies at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and University of Colorado at Boulder. She received her PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Pittsburgh in 2013. Her research interests lie in the area of computationally guided innovative materials design and manufacturing as well as atomistic-continuum multiscale simulation to realize the integrated computational materials engineering paradigm. Her work has been published in more than 20 peer-reviewed journals and book chapters.
Advanced materials play key roles in the technological developments in many disciplines such as aerospace engineering, bioengineering, mechanical engineering and more. In order to reduce the cycle from design to deployment of advanced materials, integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) seeks to build a new paradigm that links design and manufacturing via materials models at multiple length scales in a seamless and integrated computational environment. Advances in computational, experimental material sciences and engineering offers promises for the rapid exploitation and introduction of new materials concurrent to system designs and engineering through the innovative framework. In this seminar, the importance of the first-principles based multiscale/multiphysics framework to realize the ICME paradigm will be demonstrated. By providing a deeper understanding of the underlying physics of the materials and systems at various length scales, a physics-based, i.e. first principles-based, computational predictive model would allow us to interpret and control complex materials and system behaviors.
Hasan Oktem,
Kocaeli University, Turkey
Title: Investigation of energy consumption on thread machining of austempered ductile cast iron materials
Time : 15:20-15:40
![Hasan Oktem, Speaker](
Hasan Oktem has completed his PhD from Kocaeli University. He has taken of degree of Associated Professor. He has published more than 14 papers in SCIE index and has worked in the field of production of a new type non asbestos brake pads, plastic injection molding and and metal cutting processes.
Ductile cast iron materials are used as fittings elements due to their high strength, ductility and toughness properties with different heat-treatment conditions. The microstructure of fittings parts consists of graphite spheres dispersed in ferrite or ferrite-perlite. But, since fitting elements have small wall thickness and cooling rates is high during casting process, this situation is caused to low strength and fracture in the wall of fittings. In this study, the fittings samples of machinability with threading process have been investigated by means of energy-power transformations. For this purpose, the austempering heat treatment was applied to the samples of fittings produced from ductile cast iron materials having to high perlite rate in ferrite-perlite matrix. Thus, the fracture is reduced and the mechanical properties are developed. The fittings samples from casting were austenitized at 900°C for 30, 60 and 90 minutes, quenched immediately in a salt bath at 280°C and subjected to austempering for 30, 60 and 90 minutes. Empirical equations such as Power Index (PI), Energy Consumption (Wh/mL), Torque (Nm), Maximum Power (kW) and percentage spindle force are calculated to determine energy-power consumption during threading process. Also, the relationship between energy-power consumption and the microstructure and hardness of heat treated samples has been examined.
Youssef S Matter
United Arab Emirates University, UAE
Title: Effect of engine location on flutter speed and frequency of a tapered viscoelastic wing
Time : 15:40-16:00
![Youssef S Matter Speaker](
Youssef Matter has completed his BSc in Aerospace Engineering in 2014 from Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research and currently pursuing his MSc in Mechanical Engineering at United Arab Emirates University. He is a research engineer at the Mechanical Engineering Department of UAE University.
The flutter of a tapered viscoelastic wing carrying an engine and subjected to a follower thrust force is investigated. The wing is considered as a cantilever tapered Euler-Bernoulli beam, made of a linear viscoelastic material where Kelvin-Voigt model is assumed to represent the viscoelastic behavior of the material. In addition, quasi-steady and unsteady aerodynamic forces models are introduced along with the follower thrust force. The mass and inertia of the engine are modeled in order to achieve more realistic behavior of the engine upon flutter characteristics of the system. Moreover, the governing equations of motion are derived through the Extended Hamilton’s Principle. The generalized function theory is used to more accurately consider the contribution of the mass and its follower force in the governing equations. The resulting partial differential equations are solved by Galerkin method along with the classical flutter investigation approach. Parametric studies highlighting the sensitivity of the chord-wise engine location, the span-wise engine location, and the vertical engine location on the flutter speed and flutter frequency are reported. It is found that the location of the engine in the three directions play an important role in the dynamic stability of the wing.